Monday, September 2, 2013

This is Me

Hey everyone!  My name is Asha Green.  I’m the girl that brought in the random shark to represent who I am, which didn’t do too great of a job!  I’m a freshman majoring in Psychology.  As of today, I’m thinking I want to be a school psychologist, but I guarantee that will change at least three more times this semester.  I live in Harrison which is about twenty minutes outside of Cincinnati.  I’m a Morrill Scholar, which is literally the ONLY reason I’m going to Ohio State.  I think OSU is great, but I just really, really hate being away from home.  If it were up to me, I’d be going to UC or something, but UC didn’t offer me the free tuition.  And you just don’t pass up free college.  I live with my mom, who just got remarried this past summer, and my older sister.  I have an insanely small family, so I am pretty close to the family I do have.  My sister is my absolute best friend, and it’s really hard to be away from her.  And I have the most adorable six year old nephew!  I also have a boyfriend back home named John that makes the whole being away thing ten times harder.  To be completely honest, Ohio State is the very last place I ever pictured myself being.  My dad raised me as a die-hard Bearcat fan, and my entire family has referred to OSU as the Suckeyes for as long as I can remember.  I know, don’t hate!  So, to say the least, me being a BUCKEYE has been quite an adjustment for everyone around me.

I’ve always been someone who favored having really personal, intimate relationships with people.  I’m the person who has a small group of really close friends rather than a ton of acquaintance-type friendships.  I’ve always strived to have those tight-knit connections with the people I love, because I think that’s what truly matters.  I love music.  All kinds of it.  I sing and play guitar, and I’m constantly looking for new stuff to listen to and play.  My mom is the youth minister at my church, so as I’m sure you can imagine, that’s been pretty interesting and difficult at times.  I’ve gone to church my entire life, but it’s never really been a choice of my own.  There’s nothing I hate more than when people try to shove their opinions and views on me, and that’s exactly how my mom has worked for as long as I can remember.  I’ve always been really passionate about helping people who are much less fortunate than I am.  I have such a soft spot for young people that have been dealt a crappy hand in life.  I’ve been involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters for the past few years, and my Little Sister comes from such a bad home.  I’ve also been a youth group leader for middle school girls who were going through some pretty rough stuff no one should ever have to experience.  And I’ve gone on a handful of mission trips, and I’m always struck by these kids who should have it so much better than they do.  I started reflecting on all these experiences toward the end of my senior year, and I realized this is where my passion truly lies. 

This passion I have truly is what goes into making me a social entrepreneur.  I’m a strong believer that one person can make a big difference, even if that big difference is in one small person.  Nothing fulfills me and gives me more satisfaction in life than being someone’s “person”.  The person they can run to with anything and have complete trust and faith in.  All these kids I built relationships with were so used to people skipping out on them that it meant the world to them just to see me show up every week to see them.  I want to be that one person they can always count on.  All of this is what has driven me to want to be a school psychologist.  I know that I definitely want to work in inner city schools.  I know it’ll be tough and these kids won’t want to trust me for a while, but I’ll work every day to prove to them that I’ll stay.  I know I’ve made a huge impact on my Little Sister and the girls in my small group at church.  And that’s honestly what I’m most proud of myself for.  If I can continue to do this and make a career of it, I’m certain I’ll have an extremely rich life.  Not necessarily rich in salary, but in knowing that what I’m doing is truly making a difference.  There is nothing more rewarding than that. 


Jawan Davila-Love said...

I like your honesty about being at Ohio State. The only reason I'm here is because of a scholarship to. Being away from home sucks!

Unknown said...

I know it does! You just can't pass up free money haha

Unknown said...

Good post. I am also a Morrill Scholar and that is the main reason I am here. I also live in Columbus, so I am closer to home, like 15 minutes haha. How is watching Ohio State game in your Bearcat family?

Unknown said...

Haha I wish I was that close to home! And my dad used to always watch OSU games just because he's the kind of guy that watches any game on. But he was always rooting against them, of course haha. And I didn't even get football tickets, which I'm already really regretting.

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