Saturday, September 21, 2013

Personality Reflection

Based off the Myers Briggs personality test, I'm an ISFP.  And I'd say this is pretty spot on.  Anyone that knows me knows that I basically make all my decisions based off of feeling.  To me, it's just more important.  And I've always known that I'm very much so an introvert.  I'm someone who absolutely needs my alone time.  I go crazy if I'm constantly around people.  I need my time just to be quiet and watch Netflix!  ISFPs tend to be very sympathetic and service-oriented which is definitely me.  I care so much about people and it seriously kills me when I hear that someone is going through a hard time.  If someone I care about is hurting, I hurt too.  Some ISFP careers are teachers and psychologists, and I want to be a school psychologist, so that couldn't have been more spot on.  ISFPs tend to be very artistic and really into nature, and I'm not really like that at all.  I really appreciate art, but I'm absolutely terrible at it.  I'm really into music though and love playing guitar.  I also read that ISFPs are really bad at giving themselves credit for the things they're good at and they're unnecessarily hard on themselves.  This is probably one of my biggest weaknesses.  My mom is always getting on me for being so hard on myself and thinking I'm bad at everything.  For the most part, the Myers Briggs test seemed to have me all figured out.

The True Colors test was spot on too.  I put fours for every group of words in the blue category.  I wasn't surprised at all to find out this was the emotional group.  Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows I'm pretty much the most emotional person you'll ever meet.  I told my boyfriend about the results of the test and he just started laughing because of how right it was.  I totally follow my heart over my head and I've always worn my heart on my sleeve.  I do this almost to a fault sometimes.  Blues are said to be very romantic, and yup, I'm a hopeless romantic.  Blues value loyalty and honesty.  I take my friendships and relationships very seriously and throw my whole self in them.  I do everything I possibly can for the people I love.  And I absolutely HATE being lied to.  There's nothing that makes me madder than be lied to.  Blues are very empathetic.  I constantly find myself trying to relate to others so they feel like they have someone who knows what they're going through.  I love being that person people can run to with their problems.  But I tend to get let down easily when those people who come to me aren't there for me when I need someone.  So basically I'm an emotional mess that cries during pretty much every movie or episode of One Tree Hill.  But I really do see this as a strength for me.  It's what makes me who I am and I really wouldn't want to be any other way!


Danielle Espinoza said...

I definitely agree, I am also someone who likes being with other people, but not in excess. I really like just being by myself, reading a good book, or relaxing in my room. I also hate being lied to; it's probably the worst thing someone can do in my opinion. Even though I'm an orange, I had a lot of blue qualities, and romantic is one of them. But, everyone has every color, just some more than others!

Unknown said...

Although my personality test said that I am an extrovert, I think that I am an introvert. Just like you said, it is so nice to take a break after being with people and be alone and watch Netflix or just enjoy the quiet. It is definitely good to wear your heart on your sleeve and I really admire people that do. I think it makes you a stronger person to be able to voice how you feel comfortably and that is something that I would like to see more in myself. Although I cry at every episode of One Tree Hill too :).

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