Monday, November 4, 2013

Feedback From Momma

For this assignment, I knew the best person for me to talk to would be my mom.  For most people this wouldn't really make sense, but I've had to work under her direction a lot in the past few years.  She is the youth minister at my church and I've been a middle school small group leader for a couple years.  I knew my mom would know the most about my leadership style and would be really honest with me about it.

I gained a lot of perspective from the things my mom told me.  She said that I show a lot of dedication when I'm passionate about something.  If I believe in something I'll stand by it and won't let anyone change my mind.  I excel if I'm 100% invested in something, but if I'm not, then I tend to slack off.  She said I always go back to past projects to see things all the way through.  She also said I'm very quick on my feet, and I'm good at coming up with a Plan B if Plan A doesn't work out.  While my mom had lots of positive things to say, she definitely wasn't afraid to tell me the negatives.  She said I need to learn to work with all kinds of people, especially people who don't see things my way.  She said I need to learn how to delegate and not get let down when things don't work out exactly how I want them to.  She said I'm overly critical of myself and that I need to learn that it's okay for things to fail sometimes.

I'm really glad that I asked my mom for leadership feedback.  I learned a lot that I wouldn't have realized otherwise.  And reflecting on what she said, I realize that she was extremely right and pretty much has me all figured out!  It could be kind of awkward to hear the negative things about you, but I actually found it pretty helpful.  I'm glad she was honest with me and wasn't afraid to potentially hurt my feelings.


Connor MacDowell said...

I think it's great that you asked your mom for feedback and I think it's even greater that she was honest with you. I know if I asked my mom, she would probably just tell me that I'm wonderful and that I don't need to change anything... Anyways, it sounds like she gave you some really awesome input. I think it's very important to ask those that are closest to us for feedback, especially when they're honest. We value their opinions above all others, so it's great that she was honest and productive with you. I loved reading about your experience!

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